New Client: Enchanted Forest & Friends

It’s going to be a busy few months for SHINE…
Well, January is off to a flying start and we have lots of new work & new clients on the horizon! One such client, who we are very excited to be working with, is Enchanted Forest & Friends. They came to us when their photographer, Gerardo, recommended us (we’ve worked with Gerardo quite a few times now on various photo shoots for Princes Square, the lastmight have caused a bit too much hilarity…)
Enchanted Forest & Friends are currently focused on high-quality children’s clothes, but will soon be expanding their product range to cover gifts, knick-knacks and other things.
We’ll be creating an umbrella brand that will encompass every aspect of the business and bring uniformity to their product offering, while allowing future expansion.
This will be a fairly major project with a full rebrand including a new name and creation of sub-brands and even a SHINY new website. Naturally, the first step was to start a Pinterest board where ideas can be shared between designer and client…
Of course, the relentless ‘Pinning’ is getting Karen very excited and plenty of Pinterest meetings will have to be held to discuss all the ideas that come from them.
Keep your eyes peeled for exciting things yet to come…