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SHINE love getting involved in all aspects of design…

The concept of ‘design’ is very varied. There is so much more to it than just developing websites or creating marketing materials. To be effective designers we also have to be creative, organised and adaptable. SHINE is a creative agency in every aspect, not just in designing digital or print projects, but we also carry out more hands-on tasks, such as organising branded events.

Sinclair Voicenet approached us to organise their ‘Big Impact Event’. This event was to showcase their new services to clients and customers. The programme for the day was to demonstrate a live case study on one of their clients, Ageas Retail Intermediary, and how Sinclair have helped their business.
We were involved in every aspect of this event, from choosing and booking the venue, to organising the booking process for clients, to designing branded materials for the day. Sinclair has a number of different services that they offer and we wanted to ensure each had their own branding identity, but still had a ‘Sinclair’ feel. So we used a flat illustrative style of the original company logo to distinguish between the different services.

Headed Notepaper

In the lead up to the event, we created miniature invitations, organised the booking process and sent a total of 6 branded emails with a countdown to the event. The planning paid off and we had a good response rate from clients.


For the event itself, we designed name badges, banner stands, notepaper, and pens – basically everything you would ever need for an event. Of course, everything was fully branded. For something a little bit different, we even had Sinclair rugby stress balls! These seemed to go down very well with the guests.


As the event was quite content-heavy, we decided the design should be very visual, easy to follow and simple. So, we had the idea a business journey or storyboard, with lines directing the reader through the programme. Just in case this didn’t do the trick, we also had sweets strategically placed around the tables – if in doubt bribe with sweets!


Sinclair was extremely happy with the event. So much so, that they are actually planning to run the exact same event again soon. Here at SHINE, we like to make our clients happy. We always strive to make each event better and better.


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Posted by SHINE / 30.06.2015

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We strip back the unnecessary and untangle the complex. Behind every creative project, there is a collaborative process and solid creative strategy built to deliver meaningful impact.

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