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What design means to me


We recently caught up with our head of design, Kieran Reilly, to chat about the real importance of design in the modern era and why he has so much passion for it.

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Social Media during a crisis


The coronavirus has arrived at a time when Social Media has never been stronger, and the world has never been more connected in the way that it is today.

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Catching up with a coder


Back in the day I really wanted to be a game developer and make my own games. At some point I found a website that helped me learn HTML (this was back in IE6 days) then I started building World of Warcraft fan sites and along the way, I noticed I had more fun building websites rather than making a game.

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Breaking into the gin industry


The drinks industry is one of the most complex, diverse and expansive industries in the world, and in Scotland, the industry is now worth over £6 Billion. With a new gin in Scotland popping up every week, the chance to stand out, grows ever smaller.

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Progression of Hotel Marketing


Whether it’s been large hotel resorts or smaller boutique hotels, we work hard to understand their ideals and values and from there, begin to assemble the building blocks to create their revitalised Design & Digital presence. As technology advances, it has become apparent that online users are increasingly impatient with day to day activities. This

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360° Approach to Branding


As we bounded towards our 20th year in Business, it was felt that a refresh for both our brand and website was needed to reflect where the business was and where it was heading.

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Peter's Story


Today our Head of Digital, Peter Johnstone celebrates his seventh year at SHINE. In those 7 years he has helped grow the digital side of the business from building simple table based websites to highly complex CMS builds for large clients. “When I joined SHINE I was headed up with the task of improving the

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To stock or not to stock…


“We don’t have the budget… It’s an additional cost that’s not needed… I’ve found this stock image I like…” Chances are someone else did too! This is the general response any time the idea of arranging a bespoke photo shoot with a client is mentioned. It doesn’t need to be cost prohibitive. You are looking

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Website Launch – Angus Soft Fruits


Angus Soft Fruits are the ‘berry specialists’ – They are a leading supplier of berries to UK and European retailers, and they were looking for a brand freshening and a new website – that was launched this week.

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Hannah's Trip to The Torridon


The first real glimpse of summer for 2017 and we couldn’t have picked a better weekend for a trip to The Highlands. We set out on our drive to The Torridon with sunglasses in hand, and a lengthy Spotify playlist at the ready.

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What We Do

We strip back the unnecessary and untangle the complex. Behind every creative project, there is a collaborative process and solid creative strategy built to deliver meaningful impact.

If you like what you see
let’s work together.

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